Farmworkers and COVID-19: prevention and working conditions in Sonora, Mexico


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Autores: Parra, José Eduardo Calvario, Gálvez, María del Carmen Arellano
Formato: texto
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2022
Descripción:Objective: To analyze the relationship between socio-labor conditions and health care in the face of COVID-19 among the farmworkers in two municipalities of Sonora, Mexico. Method: . Through semi-structured interviews and field observations, the care practices and health provisions implemented by the agricultural work centers were analyzed. Twenty-two interviews were conducted, 18 in the municipality of Hermosillo and 4 in San Miguel de Horcasitas. Results: Agricultural activities in Mexico did not cease and farmworkers continued their work in a diverse context of prevention measures. We found a disparity between the different productive units, which carried out protocols oriented to the care of the harvest to the detriment of human health. The means of agricultural transport lacked sufficient attention in terms of contagion prevention. The practice of payments in the localities without a sanitary protocol was evident. Conclusion: The intervention of the health authorities is necessary to homogenize the prevention protocols in the face of COVID-19. Socio-labor conditions are an obstacle to pandemic mitigation.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Palabra clave:Workers' health
health inequity
ethnic groups
salud ocupacional
inequidad en salud
grupos étnicos