Evaluation of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) reproduction in Costa Rica. Part I.


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor: Vargas, Ruth
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2003
Descripción:Upon a technical andhistorical archive and the experience of a student.s long termvisit in the Centro Truchícola de Ojo de Agua de Dotabelonging to the Instituto Costarricense de Pesca yAcuicultura (INCOPESCA), general aspects, environmentalconditions, management and reproductive behavior of theiridescent rainbows trout, are described for Costa Rica, aswell as the advance of the male induction and triploid femaleproduction program. Based on the diagnosis, theeffectiveness of the migratory instinct of the fish in seminatural conditions, was evaluated considering egg and semenquality, allowing a selection of 66 % of females and 83 % ofmales as reproductive stock. Young, one kilogram femaleslay between 1000 and 1500 eggs, two year olds weighting 1.5kg between 1645 and 2500 and the three year old and 2 kg inweight, approximately 3500. Egg weights fluctuate from 0.05to 0.112 g and incubators survival rate range from 57 to76.4%.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
OAI Identifier:oai:portal.ucr.ac.cr:article/11999
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/agromeso/article/view/11999