Andro-sterility of corn lines and hybrids in Valles Altos of Mexico.


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Autores: Tadeo, Margarita, Espinosa, Alejandro, Solano, Ana María, Martínez, Rafael
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2003
Descripción:Lines combinations of andro-sterileprogenitors were evaluated to find genotypes with restoringcapacity during the years 1995 to 1997. Seven lines weredefined and verified to restore the male fertility. Also, somehybrids with andro-sterile progenitors of excellent yield(12230 kg/ha) and possibilities of commercial use (UHS95E0123X P2-1) were located. The male fertility restoringcapacity (100%) of the lines P2-1, IA49-1, IA49-2, EHT-29-1, EHT-49-3 were confirmed in progeny testing. Besides in1997 and 1998, the isogenic versions were obtained with thethird and up to the fourth back-crosses, from the elite linesfrom UNAM and the PUMAS female hybrids (in commercialuse as the PUMA 1157 and PUMA 1075). Also, there is aversion of the andro-sterile progenitors from INIFAP,denominated as H-50 and H-48, recommended for the VallesAltos; as well as some lines from CIMMYT, which couldfavor the seed production of the hybrids that are generatedfrom these materials.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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