First community level description of rocky reefs at the Cabo Blanco absolute natural reserve on Costa Rica’s Pacific Coast


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Jiménez-Solera, Andrés, Arias-Zumbado, Fausto, García-Rojas, Andrea, Cubero-Campos, Yamileth, Ulate-Naranjo, Karol
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2025
Descripción:The Cabo Blanco Absolute Natural Reserve (RNACB) is located at the southern end of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. This research aimed to provide the first community-level description of rocky reefs within RNACB. Data was collected in June 2018, covering a total area of 1680 m² monitored across six transects at two depths: -5 m and -20 m. A total of 44 macroinvertebrate species were recorded, primarily represented by suspension feeders and filter feeders, mainly including ascidians and octocorals, as well as 48 fish species, notably dominated by macroinvertivore species such as surgeonfish and parrotfish. The biomass recorded was 4.91 tons.ha-1, with the highest values predominantly observed at deeper sites. Sessile macroinvertebrates were predominantly found in deeper areas, while mobile organisms showed no specific depth preference. The average biomass of fish was greater in the deeper zones, and in general, RNACB biomass exceeded the expected values for the Costa Rican Pacific.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Cabo Blanco Reserve
rocky reefs
community-level description
Reserva Cabo Blanco
arrecife rocoso
descripción comunitaria
recife rochoso
descrição da comunidade