Development of scientific research through Final Graduate Project in three undergraduate degrees from the Faculty of Social Sciences, National University


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Araya Muñoz, Isabel, Majano Benavides, Jilma
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2020
Descripción:This study was designed to determine the scope and incidence of the new scientific knowledge generated by the Final Graduation Projects researchprocess, carried out by students as a final graduation requirement for obtaining the bachelor’s degree in the major under study: Office Administration, Business Education at the School of Professional Secretarial and Administration with emphasis on Financial Management and Human Resources Management at the Administration Unit. We analyze in depth the characteristics of all the final graduation of project the three majors during the period 2014 to 2019. This qualitative research in the database to make an account of the final graduation project characteristics. The sample is intentional and at the convenience of the researchers to generate inputs for the investigation project: Principles and conditions of scientific analysis, technological and innovation development in the teaching-learning processes in subjects of three bachelor’s degrees in Social Sciences. A documentary review is made to each document, and with it, the main data to produce the data analysis. An interrelationship is made between the research topics, the methodological design, the construction of the theoretical framework, the issuance of information analysis, conclusions, and recommendations to finally make the proposal or alternative solution. This type of study strengthens the articulation between the different major of the social sciences because it allows to explore, recognize, quantify, and qualify the contribution of generating scientific knowledge of students through their final graduation report. It shows that it is necessary to continue innovating in research topics that respond to the organizational environment, it is imperative the articulated integration among different disciplines of the social sciences, and to give continuity to the proposals that suggest monitoring the execution and quality management of these proposals. 
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
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Palabra clave:research process, study phenomena, Final Graduation Projects, new scientific knowledge, office administration, Business education and administration.
proceso de investigación, trabajos finales de graduación, nuevo conocimiento científico, Administración de Oficinas, Educación Comercial y Administración