La competencia argumentativa a partir del uso de los conectores discursivos, en textos de estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso del Centro de Estudios Generales (CEG) de la Universidad Nacional


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Autor: Alonso Chacón, Paula
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2013
Descripción:This essay reveals the discursive weaknesses in comparison to the argumentative competence and the use of discursive connectors of the entering students of General Studies Center (CEG) of the National University. This group of students lack of a formal education based on the development of cognitive competences, on the other hand, the teaching of the native language has been centered on grammar and not on the textual functionality. With the objective of decreasing this problem, it is suggested to give classes about oral expression from a constructivism perspective that allows the inclusion of andragogy principles, which contributes to the development of cognitive competences from a linguistic perspective, it is recommended to implement the study of discursive marks in the construction of texts.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:cognitive competence
discursive argumentation
discursive connector
entering college students
competencia cognitiva
argumentación discursiva
conectores discursivos
estudiantes universitarios de primer ingreso