Artisanal fishing in the low river Araguaia in Araguatins, Tocantins, Brazil


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Autoři: Brito, Eliseu Pereira de, Shimasaki, Matheus Miranda
Médium: artículo original
Stav:Versión publicada
Datum vydání:2021
Popis:In this research we seek to portray artisanal fishing in the lower Araguaia River, delimiting a spatial scale of the municipality of Araguatins in the north of the State of Tocantins, in the Legal Amazon. It is an Amazonian and cerrado forest environment in the transition areas belonging to the Araguaia-Tocantins hydrographic basin. To do the research we use the qualitative exploratory research method with field research. The results showed that the modernization of the territory was demanded by the technical-scientific introduction in the fishery and in the territory. It modernized the objects of artisanal fishing and, at the same time, modified the way the riverside fishermen deal with the river, introducing new contents in the conception of production and preservation of the environment.
Země:Portal de Revistas UNA
Instituce:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
On-line přístup:
Klíčové slovo:Artisanal Fishing, Riverside, Modernization, Araguaia River, Legal Amazon
Pesca artesanal, Ribeirinhos, Modernización, Río Araguaia, Amazonia Legal, Brasil
Pesca Artesanal
Ribeirinhos, Rio Araguaia
Amazônia Legal