Lack of tenure at the National University of Costa Rica: its effects on the workplace and the relationship professor-university


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor: Rodríguez Soto, Maritza
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2020
Descripción:This research analyzes the implications of the condition of “interinazgo” inthe relationship between the work experiences of an interim academic andadministrative population of the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Facultyof Philosophy and Letters of the National University (UNA), which allowsto know the sense of affiliation and belonging with the university, cooperation,and communication, among other aspects, of people who work in theinstitution. This article is a product of the advances of the research called“Implications of the condition of “interinazgo” in the subjectivity and relatedrelations of the working population of the National University”, whichis executed from the Political Threshold Program, of the Institute of SocialStudies in Population of the UNA. At the methodological level, eight semistructuredinterviews were conducted on the perceptions of each functionary;the analysis of the results is based on the theory of the Inverted Cone Schemeelaborated by Dr. Enrique Pichón Rivière, Social Psychologist. With the informationcollected, aspects related to the management of power, situationsof structural violence and institutional suffering that are experienced in theUNA are evidenced. Among the main findings obtained, it stands out that thecondition of “interinazgo” has implications in the daily life of the personsinterviewed reflected in each of the vectors of the inverted cone, such as thefeeling of belonging to the University, the commitment to their work and theover-demand in order to obtain the property (permanent hiring), among otheraspects of reality, faced by teachers and administrators called “non-owners”.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:“interinazgo”
institutional link
job instability
vectors of the inverted cone
vínculo institucional
inestabilidad laboral
vectores del cono invertido