Land-Sea-Land interactions with priority on fishing activity in the northern region of the Bonaerense Coastal Ecosystem, Argentina


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Autores: Brun, Anahí, Verón, Eleonora, Sócrate, Juliana
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2024
Descripción:[Introduction]: Coastal areas constitute the interface between land and marine environments, connected through multiple natural and socioecological processes that contribute to human well-being. [Objective]: Identify land and marine uses and activities with mutual implications and biophysical processes in the northern region of the Bonaerense Coastal Ecosystem (Argentina), in order to evaluate the degree of compatibility or conflict between these activities, with emphasis on the fishing activity. [Methodology]: The land-sea-land (T-M-T) methodological analysis was applied. Uses and activities (U&A) and biophysical processes of marine and land origin were determined. Interactions between marine-land and biophysical processes T-M-T were identified for further categorization and analysis. [Results]: A total of 121 U&A sea-land-sea (L-S-L) interactions related to fishing were detected. Medium conflicts were mainly caused by competition for space or resources and were associated with the coexistence of U&A (tourism, fishing, and communication activities), both spatially and temporally. Of the total, 68 negative interactions were observed between biophysical processes and U&A L-S-L, which were linked to climatic events and the effects of climate change (variation in sea surface temperature, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, as well as variations in sediment transport and coastal erosion). [Conclusions]: The analysis carried out constitutes an advancement in the study of U&A T-M-T in coastal-marine areas of the Atlantic coast and their interactions, with emphasis on fishing activities, as a contribution to their management with an ecosystemic approach.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Palabra clave:coastal-marine environment;
physical processes;
uses and activities
ambiente costero-marino;
procesos físicos;
usos y actividades