Estimation of Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Organic Compounds in the Doña Juana Landfill in Bogotá, Colombia


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Autores: Martin-Calvo, Jeisson, Castañeda-Gomez, Julian
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2021
Descripción:[Introduction]: Several countries implement landfills where solid waste is collected, and its accumulation generates greenhouse gas emissions. This situation is intensified in countries where the growing population generates waste collection with organic matter compositions. [Objective]: To estimate the emission rates of methane CH4, carbon dioxide CO2 and organic compounds other than methane NMOC in the Doña Juana landfill for the closure dates. [Methodology]: The estimate was made using LandGEM software from the solid waste disposed of in the landfill located in Bogotá, Colombia, following the closure dates of 2022, 2040, and 2070 established by law. [Results]: An average of 2,152,870.48 tons/year of waste was obtained and deposited in the landfill. The estimation showed the following: for CH4, closure date of 2022, a maximum of 2.39E+08 m3/year, and the generation would be extended until 2106; for 2040, a maximum of 6.10E+05 tons/year of CO2; in 2070, a maximum of 3.07E+06 m3/year of NMOC is observed, and its production would end in 2142. [Conclusions] The energy potential in terms of CH4 that can be obtained with the years of useful life of the landfill is highlighted. Estimates of CO2 and NMOC per year show the importance of complementing solid waste disposal with optimal treatments since they represent greenhouse gases emitted in large proportions.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:carbon dioxide, landfill, LandGEM, methane, organic compounds other than methane
Compuestos orgánicos diferentes al metano; dióxido de carbono; LandGEM; metano; relleno sanitario
compostos orgânicos diferentes do metano, dióxido de carbono, LandGEM; metano, aterro sanitário