Gestión ambiental en el sector público de Costa Rica: indicadores de referencia para aspectos ambientales comunes


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Autor: Chinchilla S, Marco Vinicio
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2014
Descripción:Environmental management in the Costa Rican public sector: baseline indicators for common environmental aspects. Since 2011 the Costa Rican public sector has been mandated to develop environmental management programs for the reduction of negative environmental impacts (MINAE-S Executive Decree 36499). Some environmental aspects are common to most institutions: water, paper, electricity and fuel consumption, and generation of Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Here I present common environmental indicators to serve as a baseline to assess effectiveness in the sector over time. I analyzed consumption records delivered by the institutions to the Ministry of Environment and Energy. I found the following consumption indicators: a) 2,76m3 of water/employee/month; (b) 411,5 sheets/employee/month; (c) 206,78kWh/employee/month; (d) 8,03kWh/m2 month; (e) 20,29L of fuel per employee/month. For the generation of carbon dioxide equivalent, the following estimates were used: 17,04kg of CO2e/employee/month for electrical energy consumption; (b) 53,07kg of CO2e/employee/month for consumption of fuel by transport vehicles. No significant differences were found between the ministries and decentralized public institutional sector; with the exception of the consumption of electricity by area (Test t-student; t=-2,731; p=0,009), where the highest value was observed in the decentralized public institutional sector (11,06kWh/m2/month). This results represent the starting point for future studies to analyze the effectiveness of environmental management in the Costa Rican public sector.
País:Portal de Revistas UNED
Institución:Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNED
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Environmental management
Costa Rican public sector
public institutions
institutional environmental management programs
MINAE Executive Decree No. 36499
environmental indicators.
Gestión ambiental
sector público costarricense
instituciones públicas
Programas de Gestión Ambiental Institucional
Decreto Ejecutivo No. 36499-MINAE
indicadores ambientales.