Physicochemical and microbiological quality of surface water in the Grande de Tárcoles River, Costa Rica: an ecological approach


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Autores: Pérez Gómez, Gabriela, Alvarado García, Virginia, Rodríguez Rodríguez, Jorengeth Abad, Herrera, Federico, Sánchez Gutiérrez, Rolando
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2021
Descripción:Introduction: The quality of the water in a hydrographic basin and its potential use are affected by anthropic and natural factors. The Tárcoles River is the final receiver of waters from the central region of Costa Rica, where the treatment of wastewater is inadequate or non-existent. Objective: To evaluate water pollution in the river and review macroinvertebrates as ecosystem bioindicators. Methods: Physicochemical, microbiological and macroinvertebrate evaluations of the surface water were done in four sites for twelve consecutive months, including two water quality indices (ICA-NSF and Dutch). Monthly visits were made for the placement and collection of artificial substrates for aquatic macroinvertebrates, and bimonthly visits for the collection of water samples for ex situ analysis of the physicochemical and microbiological parameters. In addition, the land use in the lower part of Tárcoles was characterized from cover raster files. Results: Some physicochemical variables showed similar concentrations to those reported for other Costa Rican rivers, while oxygen showed lower values. The microbiological variables indicated high pollution levels, especially in the rainy season. In the dry season, there were more aquatic macroinvertebrates, and Chironomidae, Oligochaeta and Hydrobiidae were the most abundant. River pollution is categorized as “incipient” according to the Dutch index and as “medium quality” according to the ICA-NSF. Conclusions: the pollution of the Tárcoles River is mainly due to inadequate land use and anthropic activities. We recommend a basin management plan and research on ecosystem health and conservation of vulnerable species. 
País:Portal de Revistas UNED
Institución:Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNED
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Bioindicators
Water quality
Grande de Tárcoles
Aquatic macroinvertebrates
Physicochemical parameters
Calidad del agua
Macroinvertebrados acuáticos
Parámetros fisicoquímicos