Case study: A teaching methodology, in higher education, for the acquisition of integrative and entrepreneurial competencies


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Argandoña Gómez, Fabiola Andrea, Persico Jiménez, María Cecilia, Visic Matulic, Ana María
Formato: artículo original
Fecha de Publicación:2018
Descripción:The purpose of this research is the pilot application of the case method as a teaching methodology for the acquisition of integrative and entrepreneurial competencies by the students of Commercial Engineering at the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Central de Chile, during the first four semesters of the degree. This gives us the opportunity to train teachers in case teaching materials, compare learning curves between students who experienced this teaching-learning methodology and those who did not; and, finally, evaluate the valuation results that students give to experience. A detailed analysis of the obtained academic results is carried out, finishing with some reflections on the advantages and disadvantages that this methodology has to offer for the teaching of the different spheres of human knowledge and its adequacy to in the context of learning skills and competencies. For each evaluated aspect, the results of the control group are presented first, then those of the experimental group and finally a comparison of the obtained results between the two groups. The most relevant training gaps in both groups refer to the use of economic-mathematical concepts and models in everyday situations.
Institución:Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
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Palabra clave:Metodología de enseñanza
estudio de casos
teaching methodology
case study