Discovery of Meaningful Rules by using DTW based on Cubic Spline Interpolation


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Autores: Calvo-Valverde, Luis Alexander, Alfaro-Barboza, David Elías
Formato: artículo original
Fecha de Publicación:2020
Descripción:The ability to make short or long term predictions is at the heart of much of science. In the last decade, the data science community have been highly interested in foretelling real life events, using data mining techniques to discover meaningful rules or patterns, from different data types, including Time Series. Short-term predictions based on “the shape” of meaningful rules lead to a vast number of applications. The discovery of meaningful rules is achieved through efficient algorithms, equipped with a robust and accurate distance measure. Consequently, it is important to wisely choose a distance measure that can deal with noise, entropy and other technical constraints, to get accurate outcomes of similarity from the comparison between two time series. In this work, we do believe that Dynamic Time Warping based on Cubic Spline Interpolation (SIDTW), can be useful to carry out the similarity computation for two specific algorithms: 1- DiscoverRules() and 2- TestRules(). Mohammad Shokoohi-Yekta et al developed a framework, using these two algoritghms, to find and test meaningful rules from time series. Our research expanded the scope of their project, adding a set of well-known similarity search measures, including SIDTW as novel and enhanced version of DTW.
Institución:Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:DTW
Time Series
Rule Discovery
Series de tiempo
Descubrimiento de reglas