Influence of substrate temperature on phase formation in Al-Cr thin films


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Autores: Saenz, A., Chavarri, D., Hernandez, R., Castaño, V.M.
Formato: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:2000
Descripción:Thin films (of the order of nm) of Al-Cr alloys were prepared by successive depositions by an electron gun in a vacuum chamber. Three Al and two Cr layers, of thicknesses as to yield the final composition, were de posited on both hot (350 °C and 440 °C) and cold (70 °C and 108 °C) substrates and the phases formed were char acterized in each case by X-ray diffraction and TEM ob servations, both in bright and in dark field conditions. The results show that on the hot substrates, Bragg peaks that do not correspond to any reported crystalline or qua si-crystalline phase appear. Both the samples on cold substrates and those heated afterwards showed an amor phous structure by X-ray diffractomery but TEM demon strated the presence of tiny faulted crystallites, with the same Bragg reflections than those deposited on hot sub strates. The results show that, for the composition range studied, a new phase not reported before appears and the substrate temperature only produces crystallite growth, not the formation of new phases
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/23977
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