Comparison of land use change in payments for environmental services and National Biological Corridor Programs


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Autores: Wood, Margot A., Sheridan, Ryan, Feagin, Rusty A., Castro, Jose Pablo, Lacher Jr, Thomas E.
Formato: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:2017
Descripción:Costa Rica established the National Biological Corridors Program in 2006. Within the framework of the National Program for Biological Corridors, the long-standing Biological Corridor, the long-standing Payment for Environmental Services Program was again prioritized in biological corridors throughout the country. The National Biological Corridor Program brought about a nationwide spatial shift in the placement of payments for environmental services throughout Costa Rica. We classified 15-m resolution ASTER imagery in a central corridor of Costa Rica connecting the eastern and western protected area networks to analyze the of protected areas in eastern and western Costa Rica to analyze the change in forests during the of forests during the National Biological Corridors Program with its payments for environmental services effort. We used object-based classification ranking methods, and compared changes in land cover during an initial four-year period of enactment of the corridor policy. We calculated changes within PES properties and outside PES regions, and also calculated forest plot metrics over the same time period. The results indicate a decrease in forest cover during the study period, along with an increase in urban and grassland cover, with greater change and forest in the biological corridor, near the construction zone of the new San Carlos Highway and in the eastern grassland areas of the new San Carlos Highway, and in the eastern grassland areas of the new San Carlos Highway. A higher percentage of forest loss was also observed within the biological corridor compared to areas outside the biological corridor. Forest loss was drastically less within the current and historic PES properties compared to the study region overall. Across the study region, patch metrics show a decrease in the number of patches and a slight decrease in average patch size. These results suggest that current and past PES designation prevents forest loss within forests within PES properties, while current designation of priority conservation status through the National Biological Corridors Program is not increasing connectivity. The National Biological Corridors Program is not increasing connectivity or forest conservation. This is demonstrated by the increase in land use change and decrease in forests associated with biological corridor designation. These results are antithetical to the objectives of the National Biological Corridors Program.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/22961
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