Immersion periods in four neotropical turtles


Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazarlar: Morera, Bernal, Monge-Nájera, Julián
Materyal Türü: artículo
Yayın Tarihi:2011
Diğer Bilgiler:Semi-aquatic turtles often dive to escape from terres-trial predators, but to our knowledge, the time that Costa Rican species can stay under water is unknown. To obtain preliminary measurements of this ecologically significant parameter, we tested several individuals in an aquarium with water at 25°C in Sabanilla, San José, Costa Rica. We placed the turtles in the water and moved a hand on the surface whenever they attempted to swim upwards, but otherwise allowed them to resurface. They were all adult females except for Kinosternon scorpioides (3 males,1 female).
Ülke:Repositorio UNA
Kurum:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:
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Anahtar Kelime:INMERSIÓN