Modeling the Tsunami Potential along the Pacific Coast of Central America


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Autor: Chacon-Barrantes, Silvia
Formato: póster de congreso
Fecha de Publicación:2018
Descripción:Along the Pacific of Central America the Cocos plate subducts beneath the Caribbean plate, at the Middle America Trench (MAT). There are no records of mega earthquakes originated there; probably associated to the low coupling in some sections and the presence of seismic barriers. However, moderate ruptures have caused important tsunami runups in the region in 1992 (Ide et al. 1993) and in 2012 (Borrero et al. 2014). Scenarios presented here were defined as worst – case – scenario by 20 experts on seismology, tsunamis and tsunami modeling (Fig. 1.1), based on historical events and / or tectonic and geodetic data. They met in 2016 under the coordination of IOC / UNESCO to discuss the tsunami potential at Central America. Although some scenarios have a low probability of occurrence, they should be taken into account for preparedness purposes.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/17470
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Palabra clave:TSUNAMI