Minimum requirements for publishing hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur stable-isotope delta results (IUPAC Technical Report)


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Autores: Skrzypek, Grzegorz, Allison, Colin, Böhlke, John K., Bontempo, Luana, Brewer, Paul, Camin, Federica, Carter, James, Chartrand, Michelle, Coplen, Tyler B, Gröning, Manfred, Hélie, Jean-François, Esquivel-Hernández, Germain, Kraft, Rebecca A., Magdas, Dana Alina, Mann, Jacqueline, Meija, Juris, Meijer, Harro A.J., Moossen, Heiko, Ogrinc, Nives, PERINI, MATTEO, Possolo, Antonio, Rogers, Karyne M, Schimmelmann, Arndt, Shemesh, Aldo, Soto, David X., THOMAS, Freddy, Wielgosz, Robert, Winchester, Michael, Zhao, Yan, Dunn, Philip
Formato: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:2022
Descripción:Stable hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur (HCNOS) isotope compositions expressed as isotope-delta values are typically reported relative to international standards such as Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), Vienna Peedee belemnite (VPDB) or Vienna Cañon Diablo Troilite (VCDT). These international standards are chosen by convention and the calibration methods used to realise them in practice undergo occasional changes. To ensure longevity and reusability of published data, a comprehensive description of (1) analytical procedure, (2) traceability, (3) data processing, and (4) uncertainty evaluation is required. Following earlier International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry documents on terminology and notations, this paper proposes minimum requirements for publishing HCNOS stable-isotope delta results. Each of the requirements are presented with illustrative examples.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/27973
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Palabra clave:ISOTOPE DELTA