Clinical and pathological findings of a sac-like formation in the tunica vaginalis of a nelore (Bos indicus) bull


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Autores: Chacón, Jorge, Berrocal, Alexis
Formato: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:2010
Descripción:Contents A seven-month-old purebred Nelore calf was diagnosed with a bilateral finger-shaped swelling although more prominent at the left side of the scrotum, located longitudinal and parallel to epididymis corpus. The finding was present from 7 months of age up to castration (performed at 25 months of age). Scrotal circumference, testicular and epididymis consistency and symmetry as well as seminal quality were normal during the follow-up period. The ultrasonographic appearance of the scrotal wall, pampiniform plexus, gonad and epididymis was normal. However, an anechoic region surrounded by a wall forming a sac-like structure with a blind end at its dorsal pole was seen on the swelling area. The examination of fluid aspirated from the saccular contents revealed the presence of mononuclear cells mainly from lymphocytic and histiocytic type as well as some loosing degenerated mesothelial cells. Gross examination at castration revealed a blind sac-like appendix derived from an evagination in the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis. The structure of approximately 5.0 cm in length extended from the dorsal edge of the epididymis cauda. No adherences with surrounded tissues were observed. Histopathology of the sac wall showed a smooth inner surface composed by scarce mesothelial cells forming in some areas papillary-like projections protruding to the vaginal cavity. Underneath, a thick layer of fibrous tissue mixed with collagen fibres and mononuclear inflammatory cells were seen. The potential consequences of this saccular formation at an older age in a bull are unknown.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/23093
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