University flexibility and quality evaluation models: The case of the University of Costa Rica


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Autores: Hurtado-Hernández, Priscilla, Gallardo-Allen, Eugenia
Formato: texto
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2025
Descripción:This article analyzes the notion of flexibility at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), focusing on the perspectives of the members of the Teaching and Self-Assessment Committees during 2023-2024. It also examines the conceptualization of flexibility by the accrediting agency SINAES, as well as transnational, national, and institutional policies. The analysis is carried out using a mixed approach that combines grounded theory and quantitative analysis. The research has a descriptive scope and seeks to identify perceptions about the concept of curricular flexibility. The collection of the information of the notion of flexibility and the elements that compose it was carried out through a questionnaire adapted from Díaz (2007) applied through the Limesurvey program. The findings reveal an alignment between the opinions of the members of the committees and the flexibility policies, focused on the student's specific preferences regarding course selection and schedules; however, the administrative culture of the institution is identified as a limitation to achieving university flexibility. Furthermore, those interviewed present a notion of flexibility to respond to social demands from an inter, multi and transdisciplinary perspective. Regarding the SINAES notion of university flexibility, the first model evaluated the adaptation of the study plans to the needs of the student body, while the most recent model conceives flexibility as the capacity of institutions to adapt to a global context. Finally, the role of the evaluation office in updating the study plans to incorporate elements that achieve structural flexibility such as critical thinking, interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity is highlighted.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:educación universitaria
flexibilidad curricular
plan de estudios
university education
curricular flexibility