The audiovisual documentary as a means of support for the investigation of artistic processes: The case of Rio Pirro


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Autor: Cruz García, Adrián
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:In 2012, as part of the projects financed by the IFondo de Iniciativas Interdisciplinarias del Centro de Investigación, Docencia y Extensión Artística (CIDEA) of the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), the stage production Río Pirro, directed by the artist Elia Arce, together with the Compañía de Cámara de la Escuela de Danza (CCDUNA), was produced. This work, centered on the polluted Río Pirro, which flows through the center of Heredia and the central campus of the Universidad Nacional, was created under an interdisciplinary vision that integrated elements not only of dance, but also of performance and urban landscape interventions. As part of the project, an extensive audiovisual record was made of the process of creating the show, which eventually resulted in a documentary of the same name released in 2016. Having gathered much more information than could be included in that audiovisual work, it was decided to apply the research methodology based on the practice of arts and audiovisual media, which proposes to accompany the audiovisual product on an artistic process with an essay that delves into background, events and methodological aspects of the creative experience, which the audiovisual format fails to cover. This is the essay.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:special issue
cuadernos de las artes
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