Cross-linguistic Influence Evidenced in Possessive Constructions: a Study with an English-Spanish Simultaneous Bilingual Child.


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Autor: Vásquez Carranza, Luz Marina
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2012
Descripción:This study reports evidence of cross-linguistic influence in possessive constructions in the speech of an English- Spanish simultaneous bilingual child between ages 2;3 and 5;6. Although in English possessives might be prenominal ('-s), they might also be post-nominal (of possessives); the latter realization of the possessive is restricted to certain semantic contexts. In contrast, possession is always post-nominal in Spanish. Unlike the monolingual child English data and the English parental speech which revealed mostly instances of the pre-nominal possessive (only 3% in the child data), the bilingual child produced post-nominal possessives in 33% of his English possessives. Similarly, though the monolingual child Spanish data revealed no non-target-like forms, the bilingual child produced a significant number of pre-nominal possessives (e.g.'de las cabritas mamá'), which is never grammatical in Spanish. The non-target-like forms found in the bilingual child data strongly suggest evidence of influence of Spanish onto English as well as influence of English onto Spanish.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:possessive constructions
cross-linguistic influence
simultaneous bilingualism
english-spanish bilingualism
child language.
construcciones posesivas
influencia cros-lingüística
bilingüismo simultáneo
bilingüismo inglésespañol
lenguaje de niños.