Sistematización de experiencias de enfermería con personas que padecen transtornos mentales y sus familias.


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor: Meza Benavides, Mary
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2007
Descripción:This investigation had like intention to systematize the development of the process of attention of nursing directed to three people who have been diagnosed with mental disorders and its families, which was made by a group of students and the educational one of the Module of Intervention of nursing in the Adulthood in Mental Illness Processes. The methodological strategy for the analysis was the proposal of systematization of Oscar Jara, in which the technique of the case study was used. It was used for obtaining information: revision of the clinical history file of nursing, genograma and familiar apgar, the General Questionnaire of Health of Golberg (short version of 12 items) and was made in each case the mini mental examination. The main found situations of nursing were: alterations in the pattern of the dream, risk of suffering diseases chronic-degenerative, as well as inadequate styles of life mainly related to the nutrition and the exercise; prevalence in the disorders of the affection and ignorance on the part of the person and her family on the fundamental aspects of the disease and the treatment. In addition, difficulties in the communication, low self-esteem, social isolation and little satisfactory familiar relations. One concludes that the significant relation between the inadequate styles of life and the mental disease is evident, since the risk factors have greater prevalence than the protective factors, putting at a disadvantage these people, who also present other degenerative chronic pathologies. In addition little effective the interpersonal relations can be precursory and aggravating of the mental disease in the people, because they present dysfunctions in the communication, the expression of affection and feelings towards the others, which disables the support search and an optimal rehabilitation.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:nursing
psychiatric disorders
trastorno psiquiátrico