La virtualización de la VI Olimpiada Costarricense de Matemática para la Educación Primaria (OLCOMEP)


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Mora Badilla, Mónica, Sánchez Ávila, Alejandra, Alfaro Rivera, Carlos, Mena Picado, Hermes, Zúñiga Esquivel, Xinia
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2020
Descripción:The Costa Rican Mathematical Olympiad for elementary school has the goal to stimulate and develop among children the skills to solve mathematical problems by means of healthy competition between students from first to sixth grade from several regions of the country. Students from both public and private institutions participated. This Olympiad was implemented from 2015 until 2019 in person, but in 2020 due to COVID-19; the organizing commission took up the challenge of virtualizing it with the help of different agents in the educational system; reaching the goal of 1740 participants. This Olympiad was presented in three qualifying stages through the Microsoft Forms tool. In the first two stages sued only multiple choice and short answer items, while the last stage was complemented with more open-ended items. The challenge of virtualizing an event of this type is not only for the organizing committee, as it must propose strategies to moditfy the tests, changing the necessary aspects to meet the new requirements of a virtual application, as well as generating new logistics and structure for the event, but also for the students, who must become familiar with new demands associated with the handling of platforms and strategies for solving exercises that are not on paper. This process has not been easy, but we are struggling to keep intact the hopes of the thousands of children who look forward to the Math Olympiad every year.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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