Effect of pineapple (Ananas Comosus) culture by- products on the enzymatic deproteinization of shrimp biowastes


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Egileak: Alpízar Cordero, Javier Rodrigo, Villegas Peñaranda, Luis Roberto, Madrigal Carballo, Sergio, Sibaja Ballestero, María
Formatua: artículo original
Egoera:Versión publicada
Argitaratze data:2013
Deskribapena:The present work aims to a preliminary study of the deproteinization capacity of proteolytic extracts from pineapple biowastes in different concentrations as potential green process to treat by-products of the shrimp fishery in order to obtain chitin and chitosan. The proteolytic extract isolated from pineapple biowastes was obtained from pineapple stems using a sulfuric acid buffer solution. The proteolytic extract from pineapple was characterized according to its protein content, total sugars and enzymatic activity against a commercial bromelin standard and a negative control. Results indicate that applying a crude pineapple proteolytic extract succeeded in to eliminate up to 97% of the proteins present in a shrimp biowaste sample, being more active than any of its dilutions, in a 24 hours study. Our results suggest that pineapple biowastes can be consider as a potential green biosource to promote shrimp deproteinization, providing a biotechnological activity to the traditional chemical process involving sodium hydroxide. This novel methodology will provide new applications for pineapple biowastes and reduce costs and contamination during chitin and chitosan production.  
Herria:Portal de Revistas UNA
Erakundea:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:ojs.www.una.ac.cr:article/4948
Sarrera elektronikoa:https://www.revistas.una.ac.cr/index.php/uniciencia/article/view/4948
enzymatic activity
actividad enzimática