Romper nudos de seda: libertad y subjetividad femenina en Jardín, de Dulce María Loynaz1


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Autor: Stecher Guzmán, Lucia
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2016
Descripción:This article analyzes Cuban writer Dulce Maria Loynaz’s novel Jardín,focusing on her strategies to subvert different models of femininity.The novel maintains a rich dialogue with different aesthetic trends, whose forms of expression are both accepted and criticized for the limitations they impose on the development of feminine subjectivity.In Jardín, the journey through the different aesthetic, ideological proposals that have helped shape the modern subject presents Loynaz’s criticism of how these construct the feminine subject and her position in terms of gender and sexuality. This journey takes place from within these aesthetic positions, based on the author’s productive appropriation of the novel’s textuality which she transmits through the language of romanticism, symbolism, modernism and vanguardism. Jardín shows how these movements both open and close opportunities for female expression and development.Keywords: Dulce Maria Loynaz; Cuban literature; Garden; female subjectivity; literary models.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
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Palabra clave:Dulce Maria Loynaz
Cuban literature
female subjectivity
literary models.
Dulce María Loynaz
literatura cubana
subjetividad femenina
modelos literarios.