Mediation strategies that facilitate the integration of the context in the learning of Biology with students of diversified cycle, Costa Rica- 2023


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Coto-Chinchilla, Valeria, Barrantes-León, Jesús-Irán, Guevara-Mora, Meyer, Pereira-Chaves, José-Miguel
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2024
Descripción:The purpose of this study was to identify the main mediation strategies that teachers apply in Biology classes for the integration of the context, whether they considered the educational environment, the community or the students' own experiences in the teaching and learning process; the informants were the students participating in the OLICOCIBI project (Costa Rican Biological Sciences Olympics) of the National University of Costa Rica. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with students who were finalists in the Olympics, where they were asked if the teacher used resources to teach them about the different contents through the use of context; In addition, a focus group composed of teachers of students who qualified for the final of the OLICICOBI was conducted, in which they analyzed what mediation strategies they use and the benefits of using contextualized learning, within the main results, it was shown that for the integration of the context, teachers implement strategies such as project-based learning, inverted classroom, cooperative learning and masterful strategy for the enhancement of cognitive, social, affective and life skills of students. It was concluded that the pedagogical mediation promotes motivation and interest in students to continue learning and to be aware of their surroundings and the reality in which they find themselves as seen from the contents developed in the subject of biology.
País:Portal de Revistas UNED
Institución:Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNED
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Biología
estrategias de mediación
mediation strategies