The March 25, 1990 (Mw=7.0 Ml=6.8) earthquake at the entrance of the Nicoya Gulf, Costa Rica: its prior activity, foreshocks, aftershocks and triggered seismicity


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Autores: Protti, Marino, McNally, Karen, Pacheco, Javier, González, Victor, Montero, Carlos, Segura, Juan, Brenes, Jorge, Barboza, Vilma, Malavassi, Eduardo, Güendel, Federico, Simila, Gerald, Rojas, Daniel, Velasco, Aaron, Mata, Antonio, Schillinger, Walter
Formato: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:1995
Descripción:On March 25, 1990 a large earthquake( Mw=7.0, ML=6.8) occurreda t the entranceo f the Nicoya Gulf, CostaR ica, at 1322:55.6U TC, producingc onsiderabled amagei n centralC osta Rica andg eneratingm uchi nteresta boutw hethero r not the Nicoya seismicg ap (Nishenko,1 989) had broken.T he local country-wides eismographince tworkr ecorded6 yearso f activityp rior to thisl argee arthquake1, 6 hourso f foreshockst,h e mainshocka, ndi ts aftershocksT.h is networki s operatedjo intly by the CostaR ica Volcanologicala nd SeismologicaOl bservatorya t the National University( OVSICORI-UNA), andt he CharlesF . RichterS eismologicaLl aboratorya t the Universityo f California,S antaC ruz (CFRSL-UCSC).W e obtainedh igh resolutionlo cations from thisn etworka ndl ocatedt hem ainshocka t 9ø38.5'N,8 4ø55.6'W( depthi s 20.0 km) andt he largestf oreshock(M w=6.0,M arch2 5, 1990,a t 1316:05.8U TC) at 9ø36.4'N,8 4ø57.1'W( depth is 22.4 km). We find that the aftershockz one abutst he southeasbt oundaryo f the Nicoya seismic gap, suggestingth at the seismicg ap did not rupture.S incet he installationo f the local networki n April 1984 to March 24, 1990, nearly 1900 earthquakews ith magnitudesfr om 1.7 to 4.8 (318 with magnitude3 .0 or larger)h aveb eenl ocateda t the entranceo f the Nicoya Gulf, one of the mosta ctiver egionsi n CostaR ica. The March 25 earthquakeo ccurreda t the northweste dgeo f this region,w herea sequencoe f foreshockbs egan1 6 hoursp rior to the mainshockT. he spatialtemporadl istributiono f aftershockasn dd irectivitya nalysiso f the mainshockru pturep rocess usingt eleseismicre cordsb othi ndicatea southeasptr opagatingru pture.T he mainshockru ptured ana speriotyf approximat6e0ly0k m2 ofa reaw, itht hisa reae xpanditnog4 000k m2 afte7r days. We presenet videnceth ats uggesttsh att her uptureda sperityis producedb y the subductioonf a seamountI.n versiono f teleseismicb roadbanda ndl ong-periodP and SH wavesy ieldsa thrust faultingm echanismw ith the shallowp lanes triking2 92ø , dipping2 6ø , andw ith a rakeo f 88ø , in agreemenwt ith the subductiono f the Cocosp lateu ndert he Caribbeanp late.L ocal first motions for the largestf oreshocka ndt he mainshocka greew ith thiss olutionW. e alsop resente vidence suggestintgh at the March 25, 1990,e arthquaketr iggereda ndr eactivateds everals eismics warmsin centralC ostaR ica andt emporallyd ecreasedth e activityi n the epicentraal reao f the July 3, 1983 (Ms=6.2), P6rez Zeled6n earthquake.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:
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