Clases de matemática para primaria: experiencias durante la pandemia con clases por televisión


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Autor: Barboza, Lilian Cristina de Souza
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2021
Descripción:The school was for a long time, almost exclusively, the place where one has access to teaching and learning, especially in the early years. With the pandemic context and the social distance requirement, this panorama highlighted the necessity of changes. New ways of teaching and learning were made possible as TV and educational apps gained space in the new social configuration, where teachers, family members and students started to live new contexts of doing school. I started to recreate the sense of schooling and teaching, of learning possibilities, on a daily basis as a teacher who accepted the invitation and challenge of teaching on TV, with live classes. This text aims to present a small excerpt of how the experience of planning and developing mathematics classes took place, of the initial years for the television and application of the State of São Paulo government, during the pandemic months. This article will focus on only one mathematics class in the field of algebra (development of algebraic thinking) of 5th grade students in the early years (10/11 years old students). From accepting the invitation to teaching classes on television, I realized/noticed that I would need to mobilize my mathematical and didactic knowledge, in order to seek the best possibilities for guaranteeing learning rights. I have had numerous feedback from teachers, family and students, which suggest that some actions and decision-making, even in distance classes, are opportunities for learning.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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