The Renaissance: a context for the emergence of educational concept 'Training'


著者: Venegas Renauld, María Eugenia
フォーマット: artículo original
状態:Versión publicada
その他の書誌記述:Greek thought and worldviewChristian, have been die cutting of pedagogical culture of the West. In a historical trace the emergence of the concept "training" as a term pedagogicalcal, the Renaissance is a period that provides evidence to place. In this paper,makes a discussion about analyzing the contribution of some humanists and lexical and contextual conditions that allow hypothesize itsconstruction as such at the time and from the perspective of the concept that is present in García Carrasco and Garcia Dujo
国:Portal de Revistas UCR
機関:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto
キーワード:génesis pedagógica de la ‘formación’
contexto histórico concepto ‘formación’
‘formación’ en el renacimiento
concepto pedagógico de ‘formación’
aparición concepto ‘formación’.
pedagogical Genesis of the 'Training'
Historical Context Concept 'Training
'Training' in the Renaissance
Pedagogical Concept 'Training'
Apparition Concept 'Training'.