Programa de Enfermería sobre educación en salud dirigido a los y las adolescentes de Educación Diversificada Especial del Colegio Técnico Industrial de Calle Blancos.


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Muñoz Rojas, Derby, Argüello Castillo, Rafael Alberto, Arias Arias, María Auxiliadora, Gómez Hernández, Grettel, Siles Chaves, Marvin
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2009
Descripción:The following article presents the evolution and the effect of a program for the integral development of teenagers with special needs. Whose general intention was of a program of education developed in health for the integral approach of them and the teenagers of the third and fourth cycle of diversified special education in the Colegio Técnico Industrial de Calle Blancos, objetic that we achieve across a qualitative approach of investigation, of type research-action. First there was selected the sample shaped by 35 teenagers of both sexes with ages between the 13 and 25 years with some special need; later, there was realized a diagnosis of the principal educational needs in topics of health using an observation not participant, a questionnaire and a semiconstructed interview; later we implement the program and there was evaluated the effect of the same one on the population. Results: of the diagnostic phase there was demonstrated that there is ignorance in the managing of concepts, myths of the topics of sexuality, healthy ways of life, mental health and disability. Of the phase of implementation of the program an improvement was obtained in the managing of concepts and myths of the topics before mentioned, in addition there was demonstrated that the symbolic - graphical skill is very adapted for this population. Conclusion: the utilization of an inclusive methodology, the utilization of a skill that it considers to be the special needs was fundamental for the fulfillment of the aim (lens).
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Disability
mental health
helthy ways of life
salud mental
estilos de vida saludables