Native Bamboo Construction Technology. Otatea Fimbriata Soderstr., in the State of Chiapas, Mexico


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Llaven-José, Hector Daniel, Castañeda-Nolasco, Gabriel
Formato: artículo original
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:Bamboos are plants belonging to the botanical family of grasses (corn, rice, reed, sugar cane) and the subfamily Bambusoideae, which groups a great diversity of species distributed worldwide, particularly in the state of Chiapas are a large part of the species registered for Mexico, which because they are of a natural nature become underused and / or despised giving them the qualification of  Lag, preferring therefore to the use of industrialized materials for the conformation of living spaces, which are framed under the notion of progress. In this way, a methodological process is proposed from a qualitative research, where the referential theoretical framework was built through the bibliographic review, under the objective of denoting the use and exploitation of the native bamboo Otatea fimbriata Soderstr., found locally. In this sense, the present research allowed to demonstrate that the native bamboo present in the state of Chiapas, is a natural resource, whose physical and mechanical properties endow it with a high potential to be used not only in the conformation of living spaces, but at the same time to generate diversity of products and services, reaching a positive impact on the families that make up the localities of Chiapas.
Institución:Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
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Palabra clave:Native bamboo
Alternative materials
Construction technology
Bambú nativo
Materiales alternativos
Tecnología constructiva