Fortalecimiento de la lectoescritura mediante el uso de lecto-juegos, dirigido a población infantil de IV año, de la comunidad de Santa Cecilia, Guanacaste, periodo lectivo 2022-2023.


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor: Chavez Mora, Abigail Tatiana
Formato: proyecto fin de carrera
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:The present investigation was carried out under the project modality, to opt for the degree of Bachelor of Pedagogy with emphasis on I and II cycle of Basic General Education. Therefore, the general objective of this investigation is to strengthen the literacy process, through the use of the reading-games strategy, for the improvement of Spanish literacy skills, aimed at the child population of IV level of the community of Santa Cecilia. Guanacaste, school period 2022-2023. Due to the learning difficulties that this student population presents, this educational proposal was born. During this proposal, work sessions were held, which were focused on strengthening the educational process of boys and girls, through the development of skills that were complemented by the reading-games strategy of the author Martha Sastrías, since this is a essential tool to promote the interest of students in the educational field, because it focuses on making educational games that encourage the desire to learn in infants. Therefore, each workshop was carried out according to the educational needs of the study population. Likewise, this inquiry is framed under the naturalistic paradigm because it is based on collecting information from the participating subjects in a natural way without making any alterations. In addition, its approach is qualitative because it arises from a situation that needs to be addressed due to certain characteristics that it presents, so that different alternatives or options are studied to reach an appropriate purpose and determine various benefits for this participating population. This study is also based on action research, which focuses on finding a solution to the situation under study. Therefore, an aspect that is characterized as relevant is its flexibility, because it can be adapted in the way that best suits or benefits the population under study and thus be able to provide a solution to the problem presented. On the other hand, this work is made up of chapter I containing introduction, justification, problem statement, objectives and state of the art, chapter II the conceptual framework, chapter III operational plan for execution, chapter IV analysis and interpretation of the results and finally chapter V which are the conclusions and recommendations. Thus, among its main findings it was determined that the student population under study had reading and writing difficulties, only recognized vowels and sometimes confused them, did not recognize phonemes, consonants, simple syllables, mixed and inverse syllables, compound syllables, they also substituted words, omitted syllables, had spelling problems. That is, the infants participating in the study were at an initial level, since their knowledge was not in accordance with their age and school level. Therefore, the educational proposal was developed and workshops were carried out with the implementation of the reading-games strategy, which generated successful results such as significant learning in students, the recognition of vowels, the alphabet, syllables, reading, writing. words and texts, articulation and pronunciation improved, and is currently in a second level in literacy. Keywords: reading-games, language skills, reading, writing, strategy and games.
País:Repositorio UNA
Institución:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:null:11056/26744
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Palabra clave:PEDAGOGIA